Seminole County or Volusia County Speeding Ticket or Traffic Ticket
What should I do if I get a Seminole County or Volusia County Speeding Ticket or Traffic Ticket? Where you driving down I-4 minding your business, were you in downtown Sanford, were you in DeLand or Altamonte Springs, were you in Daytona Beach or Casselberry, were you instead in DeBary or Longwood, how about driving in Deltona or Oviedo when you got a ticket – were you just somewhere in Seminole County or Volusia County?
Honestly, it does not matter, you could be anywhere in Seminole and Volusia County, chances are sometime during your lifetime you will be stopped by law enforcement. Probably, when it happens, you will be nervous.
Here is a little secret: I used to be an Assistant State Attorney and I carried a badge. As an Assistant State Attorney, you are deemed the highest ranking law enforcement officers in the county you prosecute. AND I WAS TERRIFIED OF THE POLICE!
Why was I terrified? I was terrified because regardless of where I was – Longwood or Deltona, DeLand or DeBary, Sanford or Lake Mary, Orange City or Oviedo, Daytona Beach or Port Orange, Seminole County or Volusia County, it is a fact the police have a lot of power and most are extremely good at doing their job.
Understand I am not taking law enforcements side; rather, I am telling you the police officers you encounter are trained to do their job, and in this case, this means these officers are well trained to write traffic tickets. If you think about it I am sure you will agree, the police are trained to use lasers, pace clocks, and other gadgets to enforce the traffic laws, stop those breaking those traffic law, and write tickets or even make arrests of citizens like you.
Now on one hand this is a good thing if it is 3 a.m. in the morning and you find yourself a victim of a crime; however, this is not a good thing when you find yourself minding your own business driving the streets of Volusia County or Seminole County, Florida when you see flashing lights demanding you pull over because you ran a stop sign, broke the speed limit, failed to maintain a single lane, running a red light camera, or other traffic ticket. I am almost certain when you become the not so proud owner of a yellow Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket, no matter who you are, I am sure it will be a “mood” killer.
General things to do for your Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket
Thus, I recommend the following for you to keep in mind if you get a Seminole County and Volusia County Speeding Ticket and Traffic Ticket:
- Take a deep breath and keep your cool; getting a Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket is not the end of the world! It will be okay. With all the technological tools and capabilities the police have today, it surprises me when I meet someone who has never gotten a ticket.
- Just because the officer says so doesn’t make it true and just because you are being written up for a Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket does not mean all is lost!.
- However, the time to argue about the Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket is in a place called court not on the roadside after the police officer has written the ticket. Trust me, the officer who wrote you the ticket writes down notes about your demeanor, your attitude, and what you said (gasp)! And just like with an arrest, what you say and what you do, can and will be used against you!
- Chances are if the officer goes back to his police car with your license and registration; you are getting a ticket.
- Be polite; now is not the time to crumble up your Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket in front of the officer. If it is nighttime, turn on your overhead light. So the officer can feel safe, put your hands on the wheel. Do not make sudden moves in the car. So the officer can feel safe, you would be surprised how many times I have been able to convince an officer later (after the heat of the moment when he wrote you a ticket) to dismiss the case all because you were polite.
- After you get the Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket, call an attorney who can help you. This is when I can employ my knowledge of the law, combined with your politeness, loaded to bear with the facts as you would present them to me – with our greatest assets of all – forcing the officer to come to court and convict you beyond a reasonable doubt of the traffic infraction.
- When you get home, look at what you might be facing with this Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket. I have provided a website you might find helpful to review
Unfortinately, this card will just not work on a Seminole County or Volusia County Speeding Ticket or Traffic Ticket.

Sadly, you read that right; if the officer has decided to write a ticket, there is no “quick fix”. Do not argue your ticket on the side of the road. Chances are you are getting the ticket if the officer went to his police car with your driver’s license and registration. However, smile knowing that 1) you are going to hire an attorney who is going to fight for you; 2) the officer is going to have to come to court to prove his case, and 3) the officer has to prove his case (not you prove yours) beyond a reasonable doubt to convict you of the traffic infraction.
And you read that right again, the same burden of proof the Government has to show to convict a murderer or a bank robber they have to use to convict you of speeding, running a red light camera, running a stop sign, or some other traffic ticket.
So it does not matter if you are in Seminole County or Volusia County; Longwood or Sanford, Daytona Beach Shores or Daytona Beach, Deltona or DeLand, DeBary or Altamonte Springs, you now know the overall way to beat this traffic ticket or speeding ticket.
Specific things to do for your Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket
Now, for specifics, those truly depend on your case, and for your best shot at defeating the Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket, you probably want to talk with a lawyer. Call me, Charles C. Hart II, Esq., at 321-363-4959 and schedule a free appointment now.
I am not trying to be cute and deny you important information to help you with your Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket. Rather, each case is very specific. Appreciate the specific value and skills a lawyer could provide you in the following examples:
- Speeding. Do you know the predicate an officer has to prove in order to get the laser or radar speed into evidence? Do you know which predicate to use for pace clock, speed timers, dash radar, stationary radar speed enforcement?
- Red light cameras. Do you know hearsay rules? You need to understand this important rule to beat these tickets.
- Stop sign. Have you ever cross examined someone before under oath; these cases come down to being able to prove yourself more credible than a police officer.
- Failure to maintain single lane. Are you aware of the case law on point regarding what is impermissible and what is permissible forms of probable cause for a traffic stop?
If you want to argue the ticket then use all the resources you have and get someone who can do these things to fight for you regardless of whether you are in Seminole County, Volusia County, Sanford, Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach Shores, DeLand, Altamonte Springs, Deltona, DeBary, Longwood, Orange City, Lake Mary, or wherever else you may roam. Call me, Charles C. Hart II, Esq., at 321-363-4959 and schedule a free appointment now.
Some generally helpful links for Seminole County or Volusia County Speeding Tickets or Traffic Tickets:
Volusia Traffic Clerk of Court: for Volusia County speeding tickets and traffic tickets.
Seminole County does not have a specialized website for Seminole County speeding tickets and traffic tickets; however you can review for more information on how to pay Seminole County speeding tickets and traffic tickets.
If you are really interested, this may generally help you with your Seminole County or Volusia County speeding ticket or traffic ticket,
***This is not legal advice nor does reading this information create an attorney-client relationship between the reader and Charles C. Hart II, P.A. Keep in mind, the things an attorney can do and the action an attorney may take are dictated by the individualized facts of a case and always case specific. Essentially, what any attorney may do as your attorney depends on the attorney’s skill and expertise. Also, reasonable minds differ, one attorney may say one thing and another may disagree. In any event, please keep in mind, legal expertise comes from schooling, courtroom experience, and practicing as an attorney and not by reading a website. Use this information at your own risk.***